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First 1144 results for ” H Bösch”

  1. Influences of inertia-gravity waves on the permeability of the Antarctic polar vortex edge

    Tijdens de wintermaanden juni tot en met september op het Zuidelijk Halfrond bestaat er een groot...

    MC Öllers | University: TU Eindhoven | Year: 2003


  2. Identification of odd-radius arcs and of 44E/46E parhelia by their inner-edge polarization.

    GP Können | Journal: Light and Color in the open air | Volume: 4 | Year: 1997 | First page: 24 | Last page: 27


  3. 19th century navy shiplogs and 17-18th century VOC shiplogs

    GP Können | Conference: International workshop on digitization and preparation of historical surface marien data and metadate | Organisation: WMO-TD 957 | Place: Toledo, Spain | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. A bright parhelion

    GP Können | Journal: Weather | Volume: 54 | Year: 1999


  5. Data rescue issues in South America, Challenges and Potential Benefits

    GP Können | Conference: GCOS regional workshop for South America on improving observing systems for climate | Place: Santiago, Chile | First page: 71 | Last page: 72
