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First 1493 results for ” Leibensperger”

  1. Hypocenters for the December 2024 -January 2025 sequence of events near Kerkrade

    Between 2024-12-13 and 2025-01-17 six events occurred near Kerkrade in Limburg, the Netherlands. ...

    Jesper Spetzler | Year: 2025


  2. Global predictability of temperature extremes

    Coughlan de Perez, Aalst, Bischiniotis, Mason, Nissan, Pappenberger, Stephens, Zsoter, Hurk | Status: accepted | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Year: 2018 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aab94a


  3. The air-sea interaction (ASI) submesoscale: Physics and impact

    During a 2023 Lorentz Workshop in Leiden, the Netherlands, a diverse community working in atmosp...

    Louise Nuijens, Jacob Wenegrat, Paco Lopez Dekker, Claudia Pasquero, Larry W. O’Neill, Fabrice Ardhuin, Alex Ayet, Peter Bechtold, William Bruch, Lucas C. Laurindo, Xuanyu Chen, Fabien Desbiolles, Ralph Foster, Ivy Frenger, Geet George, Rianne Giesen, Emily E. Hayden, Momme Hell, Suneil Iyer, Josh Kousal, Nathan Laxague, Luc Lenain, Mariana Maia Pacheco, Agostino N. Meroni, Shoshiro Minobe, Caroline Muller, Owen O’Driscoll, Vera Oerder, Nick Pizzo, Dian Putrasahan, Jean-Luc Redelsperger, Lionel Renault, Björn Rommen, Cesar Sauvage, Niklas Schneider, Mingming Shao, Pier Siebesma, Justin Small, Bjorn Stevens, Ad Stoffelen, Ehud Strobach, Peter Sullivan, Elizabeth J. Thompson, LuAnne Thompson, Igor Uchoa, Doug Vandemark, Bia Villas Boas, Bowen Yang, Dongxiao Zhang, Seth Zippel | Year: 2024


  4. The “Normality” of El Niño

    The amplitude of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) would be normally distributed if the cou...

    G Burgers, DB Stephenson | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 26 | Year: 1999 | First page: 1027 | Last page: 1030


  5. A revised land hydrology in the ECMWF model: A step towards daily water flux prediction in a fully-closed water cycle

    G Balsamo, E Dutra, F Pappenberger, P Viterbo, B van den Hurk | Status: published | Journal: Hydrol. Proc. | Year: 2010 | doi: 10.1002/hyp.7808
