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First 2131 results for ” M Moelders”

  1. Analysis of the frequency-dependent response to wave forcing in the extratropics

    A quasigeostrophic model for the frequency-dependent response of the zonal-mean flow to planetary...

    AJ Haklander, PC Siegmund, HM Kelder | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2006 | First page: 4477 | Last page: 4481 | doi: 1680-7324/acp/2006-6-4477


  2. Interannual variability of the stratospheric wave driving during northern winter

    AJ Haklander, PC Siegmund, H Kelder | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 7 | Year: 2007 | First page: 2575 | Last page: 2584


  3. Bescherming ozonlaag: 20 jaar effectief beleid - een welkome waarheid

    P Siegmund, H Slaper, G Velders, H De Backer, RJ van der A, M van Weele, JP Veefkind, MAF Allaart, D Swart, P den Outer | Journal: Folder | Year: 2007


  4. Detecting Labrador Sea Water formation from space

    In situ monitoring of deep water formation in the Labrador Sea is severely hampered by the harsh ...

    R Gelderloos, CA Katsman, K Vage | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 118 | Year: 2013 | First page: 2074 | Last page: 2086 | doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20176


  5. De rol van drie soorten wervels in het restratificeren van het Labrador Zee

    R Gelderloos, CA Katsman, SS Drijfhout | Journal: Meteorologica | Year: 2009
