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First 555 results for ”I Bladé”

  1. Evaluation of the vertical diffusion coefficients from ERA-40 with 222Rn simulations

    DJL Olivié, PFJ van Velthoven, ACM Beljaars | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 4 | Year: 2004 | First page: 2313 | Last page: 2336 | doi: 1680-7324/acp/2004-4-2313


  2. Comparison between archived and off-line diagnosed convective mass fluxes in the chemistry transport model TM3

    DJL Olivié, PFJ van Velthoven, ACM Beljaars, HM Kelder | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2004 | doi: 10.1029/2003JD004036


  3. A parameterization of size resolved below cloud scavenging of aerosols by rain.

    A size dependent parameterization for the removal of aerosol particles by falling rain droplets i...

    JS Henzing, DJL Olivié, PFJ van Velthoven | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2006 | First page: 3363 | Last page: 3375 | doi: 1680-7375/acpd/2006-6-1355


  4. Uitzonderlijk blauwe voorjaarsluchten in 2020

    Blauwe luchten hebben in de loop van de geschiedenis velen gefascineerd en ook Minnaert schrijft ...

    Meirink, J. F., W. Knap, P. Stammes | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 29(4) | Year: 2020 | First page: 6 | Last page: 9


  5. Future evolution of surface solar radiation and photovoltaic potential in Europe: investigating the role of aerosols

    In recent decades, trends in photovoltaic (PV) technology deployment have shown an overall increa...

    C Gutiérrez, S Somot, P Nabat, M Mallet, L Corre, E van Meijgaard, O Perpiñán, M&Aac Gaertner | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Volume: 15 | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6666
