Simulation of precipitation and discharge extremes of the river Meuse in current and future climate
The river Meuse is the second largest river in the Netherlands and is characterized by strong var...
R Leander | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2009
SmogProg: Towards operational smog forecasts using near-real-time satellite measurements
Smog forecasting in the Netherlands is a legal task of RIVM, performed in commission of and
paid ...
DPJ Swart, S Jongen, H Eskes, M Schaap, RMA Timmermans, A Segers, AMM Manders, FJ Sauter, JPJ Berkhout, DE Lolkema | Year: 2008
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
Never before it was so easy and inexpensive to gather data in amounts which were beyond imaginati...
P Baumann, I Manolescu-Goujot, L Trani, Y Ioannidis, G G Barnaföldi, L Dobos, E Banyai | Conference: 28th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management | Place: Budapest | Year: 2016 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Antarctic Meteorology, a study with Automatic Weather Stations
This thesis chiefly addresses a) the use of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in determining the n...
CH Reijmer | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2001
Bird detection by operational weather radar
Within the Avian Alert System of Systems (SoS) initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA), we ...
Adriaan M. Dokter, Felix Liechti and Iwan Holleman | Year: 2009 | Pages: 201