Cloud reflectance calculations using DAK: study on required integration points
This report presents a study on the determination of the required number of azimuth (Fourier term...
ELA Wolters, RA Roebeling, P Stammes | Year: 2006 | Pages: 17
Integrated Ground-Based Remote-Sensing Stations for Atmospheric Profiling
The main objective of this COST Action 720 was the development and assessment of cost-effective i...
DAM Engelbart, WAA Monna, J Nash, C Mätzler, Eds | Year: 2009
Satellite observations and model simulations of tropospheric NO2 columns over south-eastern Europe
Satellite observations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) tropospheric columns over south-eastern Europe a...
I Zyrichidou, ME Koukouli, DS Balis, E Katragkou, D Melas, A Poupkou, I Kioutsioukis, RJ van der A, KF Boersma, M Van Roozendael, A Richter | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2009 | First page: 6119 | Last page: 6134 | doi: www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/6119/2009/
In 2012 the ESA Core Explorer Atmospheric Dynamics Mission, ADM-Aeolus, is due for launch. Scient...
A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille, J de Kloe, K Houchi, H Körnich, H Schyberg | Conference: 10th International Winds Workshop | Organisation: JMA | Place: Tokyo | Year: 2010 | First page: 1 | Last page: 8
verification of scatterometer winds
Since several centres produce scatterometer wind products, user guidance would be useful to direc...
A Stoffelen, J Vogelzang, A Verhoef | Conference: 10th International Winds Workshop | Organisation: JMA | Place: Tokyo, Japan | Year: 2010 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0