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First 2327 results for ” M Garcia-Comas”

  1. Bird detection by operational weather radar

    Within the Avian Alert System of Systems (SoS) initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA), we ...

    Adriaan M. Dokter, Felix Liechti and Iwan Holleman | Year: 2009 | Pages: 201


  2. The Contribution of Dutch GLOBE Schools to Validation of Aerosol Measurements from Space

    In the past century, the mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.6˚ according to...

    Joris de Vroom | Year: 2003 | Pages: 47


  3. SCIAMACHY's View of the Changing Earth's Environment

    Since August 2002 SCIAMACHY delivers a wealth of high-quality data permitting to study the status...

    H Bovensmann, I Aben, M van Roozendael, S Kuehl, M Gottwald, C von Savigny, M Buchwitz, A Richter, C Frankenberg, P Stammes, M de Graaf, F Wittrock, M Sinnhuber, A Schoenhardt, S Beirle | Year: 2011


  4. Exploring the efficiency of bias corrections of regional climate model output for the assessment of future crop yields in Europe

    Excessive summer drying and reduced growing season length are expected to reduce European crop yi...

    AMR Bakker, JJE Bessembinder, AJW de Wit, BJJM van den Hurk, SB Hoek | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 865 | Last page: 877 | doi: doi: 10.1007/s10113-013-0557-9


  5. Vertical and Horizontal Aeolus Measurement Positioning - Final Report

    Aeolus aims to measure wind profiles from the surface up to about 30 km altitude. In 2010 it was ...

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, H Schyberg, L Megner, H Kornich | Year: 2013
