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First 2255 results for ” J Staehelin”

  1. Evaluation and comparison of CMIP6 models and MERRA-2 reanalysis AOD against Satellite observations from 2000 to 2014 over China

    Rapid industrialization and urbanization along with a growing population are contributing signifi...

    A. Ali, M. Bilal, Y. Wang, Z. Qiu, J.E. Nichol, G. de Leeuw, S. Ke, A. Mhawish, M.Almazroui, U. Mazhar, B. Asmerom Habtemicheal, M. Nazrul Islam | Journal: GeoscienceFrontiers | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2021.101325


  2. Cloud top heights and aerosol columnar properties from combined EarthCARE lidar and imager observations: the AM-CTH and AM-ACD products

    The Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) is a combination of multiple active a...

    Haarig, M., Hünerbein, A., Wandinger, U., Docter, N., Bley, S., Donovan, D., and van Zadelhoff, G.-J | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  3. An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol, and precipitation retrieval products

    The objective of the Earth Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is to infer...

    Shannon L. Mason, Howard W. Barker, Jason N. S. Cole, Nicole Docter, David P. Donovan, Robin J. Hogan, Anja Hünerbein, Pavlos Kollias, Bernat Puigdomènech Treserras, Zhipeng Qu, Ulla Wandinger, and Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 17 | Year: 2024 | First page: 875 | Last page: 898 | doi:


  4. Estimation of future discharges of the River Rhine in the SWURVE project

    The change in the flow regime of the river Rhine by the end of the 21st century was one of the ei...

    TA Buishand, G Lenderink | Year: 2004


  5. Influence of clouds on the solar radiation budget

    This thesis investigates the accuracy of a current radiative transfer scheme and a single. column...

    HM Deneke | University: Universität Bonn | Year: 2002
