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First 2305 results for ”F Sperna Weiland”

  1. Multi-model ensemble simulations of tropospheric NO2 compared with GOME retrievals for the year 2000

    We present a systematic comparison of tropospheric NO2 from 17 global atmospheric chemistry model...

    TPC van Noije, HJ Eskes, FJ Dentener, DS Stevenson, K Ellingsen, MG Schultz, O Wild, M Amann, CS Atherton, DJ Bergmann, I Bey, KF Boersma, T Butler, J Cofala, J Drevet, AM Fiore, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, LW Horowitz, ISA Isaksen, MC Krol, J-F Lamarque, MG Lawrence, RV Martin, V Montanaro, J-F Müller, G Pitari, MJ Prather, JA Pyle, A Richter, JM Rodriguez, NH Savage, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa, M van Roozendael | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2006 | First page: 2943 | Last page: 2979 | doi: 10.5194/acp-6-2943-2006


  2. Syntheserapport project Klimaatdienstverlening: Klimaatdienstverlening: Maatwerk

    This report summarizes the results of the project “Tailoring climate scenarios” (project CS7) of ...

    Dr. J.J.E. Bessembinder Drs. B.A. Overbeek Prof.Dr. B.J.J.M. van den Hurk Ir. A.M.R. Bakker | Year: 2011


  3. Monitoring induced seismicity in the North of the Netherlands: status report 2010

    This report presents an update on the results from monitoring induced seismicity in the North of ...

    B Dost, F Goutbeek, T van Eck, D Kraaijpoel | Year: 2012 | Pages: 39


  4. Trend detection and seasonal variation of tropospheric NO2 over China.

    The growing economy of China and air pollution are both important global issues. Recently the ne...

    D.H.M.U. Peters | Year: 2005 | Pages: 46


  5. An evaluation of the use of regional climate model data applied to extreme precipitation in the Meuse basin

    In July 2021, unprecedented extreme precipitation led to enormous summer discharges that were nev...

    L. van Voorst, H. van den Brink | Year: 2023 | Pages: 100
