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First 2800 results for ”L Gustavo de Concalves”

  1. Quality assessment of high resolution wind and temperature observation from ModeS

    Wind, temperature and humidity observations from radiosonde and aircraft are the main sources of ...

    Siebren de Haan | Year: 2009 | Pages: 31


  2. Hypocenters for the events between March and May 2023 near Klimmen

    From March to May 2023 four events occurred near Klimmen in Limburg. The origin time of the first...

    J. Spetzler | Year: 2023 | Pages: 10


  3. DOWA validation against coastal wind lidar measurements

    The creation of the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) is part of a joint project with ECN part of ...

    S. Knoop and I.L. Wijnant | Year: 2019 | Pages: 48


  4. Homogenization of daily temperature data of the five principal stations in the Netherlands (version 1.0)

    Homogeneous time series of daily Tn, Tx and Tmean are indispensable for climate change and variab...

    Theo Brandsma | Year: 2016 | Pages: 45


  5. Calibration Heimann radiation thermometers W. Kohsiek De Bilt,

    In the past years radiation thermometers have been employed by KNMI to measure the sky temperatu...

    W. Kohsiek | Year: 2004 | Pages: 15
