Winschoten events, 19-11-2017
A succession of at least 4 events was measured on November 19, 2017, close to the city of Winscho...
E. Ruigrok, J. Spetzler, B. Dost and L. Evers | Year: 2018 | Pages: 27
Validation of KNW atlas with publicly available mast observations (Phase 3 of KNW project)
The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures...
A. Stepek, M. Savenije, H.W. van den Brink and I.L. Wijnant | Year: 2015 | Pages: 52
Bias correction and resampling of RACMO output for the hydrological modelling of the Rhine
Extreme discharges of the Rhine are likely to change as a result of the changing climate. A commo...
AMR Bakker, BJJM Van den Hurk | Year: 2011
Cloud top heights and aerosol layer properties from EarthCARE lidar observations: the A-CTH and A-ALD products
The high-spectral-resolution Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) on the Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation ...
Ulla Wandinger; Moritz Haarig; Holger Baars; David Donovan; Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 4031 | Last page: 4052 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-4031-2023
An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol and precipitation retrieval products
The mission of the Earth cloud, aerosol and radiation explorer (EarthCARE) mission to observe clo...
Mason, S. L., Cole, J. N. S., Docter, N., Donovan, D. P., Hogan, R. J., Hünerbein, A., Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Qu, Z., Wandinger, U., and van Zadelhoff, G.-J | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-1682