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First 2378 results for ” Lenderink”

  1. Back-up modellering van windmeetmasten op luchthavens

    Information about the wind speed and wind direction is of great importance for an airplane during...

    Ilja Smits | Year: 1999 | Pages: 71


  2. MSG cloud products - final report

    With the launch of Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) a new era of European geo-stationary meteorol...

    RA Roebeling, AJ Feijt, R Dlhopolsky, H Roozekrans | Year: 2003 | Pages: 43


  3. Influences of inertia-gravity waves on the permeability of the Antarctic polar vortex edge

    Tijdens de wintermaanden juni tot en met september op het Zuidelijk Halfrond bestaat er een groot...

    MC Öllers | University: TU Eindhoven | Year: 2003
