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First 600 results for ” HJM Clercx”

  1. Evaluation of the MACC operational forecast system – potential and challenges of global near-real-time modelling with respect to reactive gases in the troposphere

    The Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) project represents the European Union's...

    A Wagner, AM Blechschmidt, I Bouarar, EG Brunke, C Clerbaux, M Cupeiro, P Cristofanelli, H Eskes | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2015 | First page: 14005 | Last page: 14030 | doi: 10.5194/acp-15-14005-2015


  2. Part II Definition of Mission Objectives and Quantitative Requirements, Final Report on Definition of Observational Requirements for Support of Future Earth Explorer Atmospheric Chemistry Mission ACE

    M van Weele, O Boucher, C Clerbaux, M Gauss, D Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, H Kelder, PFJ van Velthoven | Year: 2001


  3. Substantial Underestimation of Post-Harvest Burning Emissions in the North China Plain Revealed by Multi-Species Space Observations

    The large-scale burning of crop residues in the North China Plain (NCP), one of the most densely ...

    T Stavrakou, JF Muller, M Bauwens, I De Smedt, C Lerot, M Van Roozendael, PF Coheur, C Clerbaux, KF Boersma, RJ van der A, Y Song | Status: published | Journal: Scientific Reports | Volume: 6 | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.1038/srep32307


  4. TRAQ – tropospheric composition and air quality

    PF Levelt, C Camy-Peyret, C Clerbaux, H Eskes, D Hauglustaine, R Menard, D Tanre, Y Meijer, J Langen, B Carnicero Dominguez, JL Bezy | Year: 2008


  5. Validation Report -- Atmospheric Chemistry Products from Satellites

    A Richter, A Heckel, S Noel, F Wittrock, AJM Piters, RJ van der A, E Brinksma, M Sneep, P Wang, M de Graaf, P Stammes, C Clerbaux, S Turquety, JL Attie | Year: 2006
