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First 1351 results for ”A Hollingsworth”

  1. CLOUDNET Report: Development of retrieval algorithms (optimized algorithms and performance)

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, O Krasnov, E O\'Conner, M Brooks, N Gaussiat, R Hogan, A Illingworth, D Bouniol, H Chepfer, J Delanoë, M Haeffelin, Y Morille | Year: 2006


  2. Multi-model simulations of the impact of international shipping on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in 2000 and 2030

    The global impact of shipping on atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing, as well as the asso...

    V Eyring, DS Stevenson, A Lauer, FJ Dentener, T Butler, WJ Collins, K Ellingsen, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, MG Lawrence, A Richter, JM Rodriguez, M Sanderson, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa, TPC van Noije, O Wild | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 7 | Year: 2007 | First page: 757 | Last page: 780 | doi: 10.5194/acp-7-757-2007


  3. Observation of upper tropospheric sulfur dioxide- and acetone-pollution: Potential implications for hydroxyl radical and aerosol formation

    F Arnold, J Schneider, K Gollinger, H Schlager, P Schulte, DE Hagen, PD Whitefield, PFJ van Velthoven | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 24 | Year: 1997 | First page: 57 | Last page: 60


  4. Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights into a warming world

    The reality of human-induced climate change is unequivocal and exerts an ever-increasing global i...

    Matthew Collins, Jonathan D Beverley, Thomas J Bracegirdle, Jennifer Catto, Michelle McCrystall, Andrea Dittus, Nicolas Freychet, Jeremy Grist, Gabriele C Hegerl, Paul R Holland, Caroline Holmes, Simon A Josey, Manoj Joshi, Ed Hawkins, Eunice Lo, Natalie Lord, Dann Mitchell, Paul-Arthur Monerie, Matthew DK Priestley, Adam Scaife, James Screen, Natasha Senior, David Sexton, Emily Shuckburgh, Stefan Siegert, Charles Simpson, David B Stephenson, Rowan Sutton, Vikki Thompson, Laura J Wilcox, Tim Woollings | Journal: Frontiers in Science | Volume: 2 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  5. El Niño in a changing climate: a multi-model study

    In many parts of the world, climate projections for the next century depend on potential changes...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, SY Philip, M Collins | Status: published | Journal: Ocean Science | Volume: 1 | Year: 2005 | First page: 81 | Last page: 95 | doi: 10.5194/os-1-81-2005
