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First 2639 results for ” BJ Strengers”

  1. Global Methane budget 2000-2012

    The global methane (CH4) budget is becoming an increasingly important component for managing real...

    M Saunois, M van Weele, Et al. | Status: published | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Year: 2016 | doi: doi:10.5194/essd-8-697-2016


  2. Variability of the UV-Index in Paramaribo, Surinam.

    The ultimate intention for this research is to better understand the variability of the UV-index ...

    Dirk Malda | Year: 2005 | Pages: 40


  3. Improving the GRADE weather generator by using synthetic datasets from RACMO and SEAS5.

    The weather generator (WG) as currently used in GRADE1 shows several methodical imperfections, po...

    L. van Voorst, H. van den Brink | Year: 2022 | Pages: 98


  4. Validation of KNW atlas with scatterometer winds (Phase 3 of KNW project)

    The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures...

    I.L. Wijnant, G.J. Marseille, A. Stoffelen, H.W. van den Brink and A. Stepek | Year: 2015 | Pages: 50


  5. North Sea Wind Climatology Part 2: ERA-Interim and Harmonie model data

    The national government needs high quality offshore wind climatology at and around hub height to ...

    I.L. Wijnant, H.W. van den Brink and A. Stepek | Year: 2014 | Pages: 52
