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First 306 results for ” S. Wenzel”

  1. Intercomparison and evaluation of aerosol microphysical properties among AeroCom global models of a range of complexity

    Many of the next generation of global climate models will include aerosol schemes which explicitl...

    GW Mann, KS Carslaw, CL Reddington, KJ Pringle, M Schulz, A Asmi, DV Spracklen, DA Ridley, MT Woodhouse, LA Lee, K Zhang, SJ Ghan, RC Easter, X Liu, P Stier, YH Lee, PJ Adams, H Tost, J Lelieveld, SE Bauer, K Tsigaridis, TPC van Noije, A Strunk, E Vignati, N Bellouin, M Dalvi, CE Johnson, T Bergman, H Kokkola, K von Salzen, F Yu, G Luo, A Petzold, J Heintzenberg, A Clarke, JA Ogren, J Gras, U Baltensperger, U Kaminski, SG Jennings, CD O'Dowd, RM Harrison, DCS Beddows, M Kulmala, Y Viisanen, V Ulevicius, N Mihalopoulos, V Zdimal, M Fiebig, H-C Hansson, E Swietlicki, JS Henzing | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 4679 | Last page: 4713 | doi: 10.5194/acp-14-4679-2014


  2. The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution part 2: historical and future simulations of precipitation

    This paper presents the first multi-model ensemble of 10-year, “convection-permitting” kilometer-...

    Emanuela Pichelli, Erika Coppola, Stefan Sobolowski, Nikolina Ban, Filippo Giorgi, Paolo Stocchi, Antoinette Alias, Danijel Belušić, Segolene Berthou, Cecile Caillaud, Rita M. Cardoso, Steven Chan, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Andreas Dobler, Hylke de Vries, Klaus Goergen, Elizabeth J. Kendon, Klaus Keuler, Geert Lenderink, Torge Lorenz, Aditya N. Mishra, Hans-Juergen Panitz, Christoph Schär, Pedro M. M. Soares, Heimo Truhetz, Jesus Vergara-Temprado | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Volume: 56 | Year: 2021 | First page: 3581 | Last page: 3602 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05657-4


  3. On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array

    The Argo Program has been implemented and sustained for almost two decades, as a global array of ...

    Dean Roemmich, Matthew H. Alford, Hervé Claustre, Kenneth Johnson, Brian King, James Moum, Peter Oke, W. Brechner Owens, Sylvie Pouliquen, Sarah Purkey, Megan Scanderbeg, Toshio Suga, Susan Wijffels, Nathalie Zilberman, Dorothee Bakker, Molly Baringer, Mathieu Belbeoch, Henry C. Bittig, Emmanuel Boss, Paulo Calil, Fiona Carse, Thierry Carval, Fei Chai, Diarmuid Ó. Conchubhair, Fabrizio d'Ortenzio, Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Damien Desbruyeres, Katja Fennel, Ilker Fer, Raffaele Ferrari, Gael Forget, Howard Freeland, Tetsuichi Fujiki, Marion Gehlen, Blair Greenan, Robert Hallberg, Toshiyuki Hibiya, Shigeki Hosoda, Steven Jayne, Markus Jochum, Gregory C. Johnson, KiRyong Kang, Nicolas Kolodziejczyk, Arne Körtzinger, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Yueng-Djern Lenn, Guillaume Maze, Kjell Arne Mork, Tamaryn Morris, Takeyoshi Nagai, Jonathan Nash, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Are Olsen, Rama Rao Pattabhi, Satya Prakash, Stephen Riser, Catherine Schmechtig, Claudia Schmid, Emily Shroyer, Andreas Sterl, Philip Sutton, Lynne Talley, Toste Tanhua, Virginie Thierry, Sandy Thomalla, John Toole, Ariel Troisi, Thomas W. Trull, Jon Turton, Pedro Joaquin Velez-Belchi, Waldemar Walczowski, Haili Wang, Rik Wanninkhof, Amy F. Waterhouse, Stephanie Waterman, Andrew Watson, Cara Wilson, Annie P.S. Wong, Jianping Xu, and Ichiro Yasuda | Status: published | Journal: Frontiers in Marine Science | Volume: 6 | Year: 2019 | First page: 439 | doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00439


  4. Weather and Climate Science in the Digital Era

    The need for open science has been recognized by the communities of meteorology and climate scien...

    Martine G de Vos, Wilco Hazeleger, Driss Bari, Jörg Behrens, Sofiane Bendoukha, Irene Garcia-Marti, Ronald van Haren, Sue Ellen Haupt, Rolf Hut, Fredrik Jansson, Andreas Mueller, Peter Neilley, Gijs van den Oord, Inti Pelupessy, Paolo Ruti, Martin G Schultz, Jeremy Walton | Journal: Geoscience Communication | Volume: 3 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.5194/gc-2019-22


  5. KNMI'14: Climate Change scenarios for the 21st Century – A Netherlands perspective

    This report documents and motivates the KNMI’14 climate change scenarios. It has an intermediate ...

    B van den Hurk, P Siegmund, A Klein Tank, J Attema, A Bakker, J Beersma, J Bessembinder, R Boers, T Brandsma, H van den Brink, S Drijfhout, H Eskes, R Haarsma, W Hazeleger, R Jilderda, C Katsman, G Lenderink, J Loriaux, E van Meijgaard, T van Noije, GJ van Oldenborgh, F Selten, P Siebesma, A Sterl, H de Vries, M van Weele, R de Winter, G-J van Zadelhoff | Year: 2014 | Pages: 120
