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First 369 results for ”EJ Bucsela”

  1. Multi-model ensemble analysis of the ETEX-2 experiment

    S Potemski, S Galmarini, R Addis, Astrup, Bader, Bellasio, R Bianconi, F Bonnardot, R Buckley, R D\'Amours, A van Dijk, G Geertsema, A Jones, P Kaufmann, U Pechinger, C Persson, E. Polreich, , M Prodanova, L. Robertson, J Soernsen, D. Dyrakov | Status: accepted | Journal: Atmos. Environm. | Year: 2008


  2. SCIAMACHY -- Monitoring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere

    M Gottwald, H Bovensmann, G Lichtenberg, S Noel, A von Bargen, S Slijkhuis, AJM Piters, R Hoogeveen, C von Savigny, M Buchwitz, A Kokhanovsky, A Richter, A Rozanov, T Holzer-Popp, et al | Year: 2006 | Publisher: DLR - IMF


  3. Relative drifts and stability of satellite and ground-based stratospheric ozone profiles at NDACC lidar stations

    The long-term evolution of stratospheric ozone at different stations in the low and mid-latitudes...

    PJ Nair, S Godin-Beekmann, L Froidevaux, LE Flynn, JM Zawodny, JM Russell, A Pazmino, G Ancellet, W Steinbrecht, H Claude, T Leblanc, IS McDermid, JAE van Gijsel, B Johnson, A Thomas | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 5 | Year: 2012 | First page: 1301 | Last page: 1318 | doi: 10.5194/amt-5-1301-2012


  4. Climate Adaptation Services for the Netherlands: an operational approach to support spatial adaptation planning

    H Goossen, L Masselink, M de Groot – Reichwein1, A Koekoek, R Swart, J Bessembinder, F Witte, L Stuyt, G Blom-Zandstra, W Immerzeel | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Year: 2013 | doi: 10.1007/s10113-013-0513-8


  5. Exploring Spatiotemporal Phenological Patterns and Trajectories Using Self-Organizing Maps

    Consistent satellite image time series are increasingly accessible to geoscientists, allowing an ...

    R Zurita-Milla, JAE van Gijsel, NAS Hamm, PWM Augustijn, A Vrieling | Status: published | Journal: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Volume: 51 | Year: 2013 | First page: 1914 | Last page: 1921 | doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2223218
