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First 272 results for ” P Ortega”

  1. Satellite-based evaluation of AeroCom model bias in biomass burning regions

    Global models are widely used to simulate biomass burning aerosol (BBA). Exhaustive evaluations o...

    Q Zhong, N Schutgens, G van der Werf, T van Noije, K Tsigaridis, SE Bauer, T Mielonen, A Kirkevåg, Ø Seland, H Kokkola, R Checa-Garcia, D Neubauer, Z Kipling, H Matsui, P Ginoux, T Takemura, P Le Sager, S Rémy, H Bian, M Chin, K Zhang, J Zhu, SG Tsyro, G Curci, A Protonotariou, B Johnson, JE Penner, N Bellouin, RB Skeie, G Myhre | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 22 | Year: 2022 | First page: 11009 | Last page: 11032 | doi: 10.5194/acp-22-11009-2022


  2. Validation of the Absorbing Aerosol Height Product from GOME-2 using CALIOP Aerosol Layer Information

    Within the framework of aviation safety, knowledge on the location and height of volcanic ash lay...

    V. De Bock, A. Mangold, L.G. Tilstra, O.N.E. Tuinder, and A. Delcloo | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2020 | doi:
