Carbon monoxide total columns from SCIAMACHY 2.3 μm atmospheric reflectance measurements: towards a full-mission data product (2003–2012)
We present a full-mission data product of carbon monoxide (CO) vertical column densities using th...
T Borsdorff, P Tol, JE Williams, J de Laat, J aan de Burg, P Nédélec, I Aben, J Landgraf | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 227 | Last page: 248 | doi: 10.5194/amt-9-227-2016
Wind Tunnel and Field Test of Three 2D Sonic Anemometers
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) uses conventional cup anemometers and wind ...
Wiel Wauben | Year: 2007 | Pages: 166
On wind and roughness over land
The relation between wind, momentum flux, roughness and land-use in disturbed, non-homogeneous bo...
JW Verkaik | University: Wageningen Universiteit | Year: 2006
Sea level rise and its spatial variations
This report was written at the request of Dirk Jan Sloot (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waters...
D. Le Bars, H. de Vries and S. Drijfhout
| Year: 2019 | Pages: 21
Wind chill equivalente temperatuur (WCET), KNMI implementatie JAG/TI-methode voor de gevoelstemperatuur in de winter
Bij koud, vriezend winterweer voelt het als het waait, kouder aan dan de thermometer aangeeft; de...
G Groen | Year: 2009