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First 1247 results for ” BR Beckmann”

  1. A dynamic data-based model describing nephropathia epidemica in Belgium

    Nephropathia epidemica (NE) is a human infection caused by Puumala virus (PUUV), which is natural...

    S Amirpour Haredasht, JM Barrios, P Maes, WW Verstraeten, J Clement, G Ducoffre, K Lagrou, M Van Ranst, P Coppin, D Berckmans, JM Aerts | Status: published | Journal: Biosystems engineering | Year: 2011 | First page: 77 | Last page: 89 | doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2011.02.004


  2. The chemical weather

    MG Lawrence, O Hov, M Beekmann, J Brandt, H Ellbern, H Eskes, H Feichter, M Takigawa | Journal: Environmental Chemistry | Volume: 2 | Year: 2004 | First page: 6 | Last page: 8 | doi: doi:10.1071/EN 05014


  3. Decadal upper ocean temperature variability in the tropical Pacific

    W Hazeleger, M Visbeck, MA Cane, A Karspeck, N Naik | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 106 | Year: 2001 | First page: 8971 | Last page: 8988 | doi: 10.1029/2000JC000536


  4. The seismic interferometer and event detector of LOFAR

    G Drijkoningen, B Dost, J Thorbecke, W Visser, K Wapenaar | Year: 2009


  5. Inertial instability flow in the troposphere over Suriname during the South American Monsoon

    Weekly sonde observations in Suriname, supported by ECMWF analyses and a linear stability analysi...

    JPF Fortuin, H Kelder, M Sigmond, R Oemraw, CM Becker | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 130 | Year: 2003 | First page: 1482 | doi: 10.1029/2002GL016754
