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First 347 results for ” J Camp”

  1. OMI Validation Needs for the EVE Jun 2005 Validation Campaign Ellington, Houston, TX, USA

    M Kroon | Year: 2006


  2. Comparison of model predicted low-level cloud parameters with observations from the BALTEX Bridge Campaigns

    The BALTEX Bridge Campaigns (BBC), which were held in the Netherlands in 2001 and 2003 around the...

    NMN van Lipzig, M Schröder, S Crewell, F Ament, J-P Chaboureau, U Löhnert, V Matthias, E van Meijgaard, M Quante, U Willén, W Yen | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Research | Volume: 82 | Year: 2006 | First page: 55 | Last page: 82 | doi: doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2006.01.010


  3. Comparison of model predicted low-level cloud parameters with satellite remote sensing observations during the BALTEX Bridge Campaigns

    A pressing task in numerical weather prediction and climate modelling is the evaluation of modell...

    M Schröder, NMN van Lipzig, F Ament, J-P Chaboureau, S Crewell, J Fischer, V Matthias, E van Meijgaard, A Walther, U Willén | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Research | Volume: 82 | Year: 2006 | First page: 83 | Last page: 101 | doi: doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2005.12.005


  4. OMI Validation Needs for the AVE January 2006 Validation Campaign, Costa Rica, San Jose Airport

    M Kroon, RD Mc Peters, EJ Brinksma | Year: 2006


  5. OMI Validation Needs for the AVE June 2005 Validation Campaign, Ellington, Houston, TX, USA

    M Kroon, RD Mc Peters | Year: 2006
