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First 1164 results for ” Jeroen Lichtenauer”

  1. GRADE Uncertainty Analysis

    Summary A main purpose in a frequency or extreme value analysis is to obtain an estimate for some...

    HFP van den Boogaard, M Hegnauer, JJ Beersma | Year: 2014


  2. Implications of the KNMI'14 climate scenarios for the discharge of the Rhine and Meuse; comparison with earlier scenario studies

    In this assessment we investigate potential changes in discharge for the rivers Meuse and Rhine d...

    F Sperna Weiland, M Hegnauer, L Bouaziz, JJ Beersma | Year: 2015


  3. Wat betekenen de nieuwe klimaatscenario's voor de rivierafvoeren van Rijn en Maas?

    F Klijn, M Hegnauer, JJ Beersma, F Sperna Weiland | Year: 2015


  4. Comprehensive evaluation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) reanalysis against independent observations: Reactive gases

    The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is operationally providing forecast and reana...

    Wagner, A., Bennouna, Y., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Brasseur, G., Chabrillat, S., Christophe, Y., Errera, Q., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Hansen, K. M., Inness, A., Kapsomenakis, J., Langerock, B., Richter, A., Sudarchikova, N., Thouret, V., Zerefos, C. | Journal: Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene | Volume: 9 | Year: 2021 | First page: 00171 | doi: 10.1525/elementa.2020.00171


  5. Improving our understanding of future tropical cyclone intensities in the Caribbean using a high-resolution regional climate model

    The Caribbean region is prone to the strong winds and low air pressures of tropical cyclones and ...

    Job C. M. Dullaart, Hylke de Vries, Nadia Bloemendaal, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, Sanne Muis | Journal: Scientific Reports | Volume: 14 | Year: 2024 | doi:
