Climate Change Scenarios at the global and local scale
Changes in climatologically and hydrological conditions as well as changes in political, economic...
D Jacob, BJJM van den Hurk | Year: 2008
Assessing Surveillance of Wildlife Diseases by Determining Mammal Species Vulnerability to Climate Change
Climate change is one of the drivers of wildlife-borne disease emergence, as it can affect specie...
S. R. Wijburg, M. Maas, H. Sprong, 1. Gröne, G. van der Schrier, and J. M. Rijks | Journal: Transboundary and emerging diseases | Volume: 2023 | Year: 2023 | First page: 7628262 | doi: 10.1155/2023/7628262
Inventarisatie van gebruikerswensen voor klimaatinformatie
This report presents an overview of user demands for climate information for professional use
J Bessembinder, B Overbeek, G Verver | Year: 2011 | Pages: 45
Improvement and extension of the coupling between RACMO2 and LOTOS-EUROS.
Within the NMDC project KvK the coupling between the regional climate model RACMO2 and the chemis...
M Savenije, LH van Ulft, AMM Manders-Groot, E van Meijgaard | Year: 2012
Climate data sets availability in RA VI, emphasis on the Mediterranean RA VI and RA I countries
On 29 June 2007 the European Commission launched a Green Paper with as key message: Europe must n...
A van Engelen, L Klok | Conference: MEDARE International Workshop on Rescue and Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin | Organisation: WMO | Place: Geneve | Year: 2007 | First page: 15 | Last page: 23