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First 3281 results for ” C Sens-Schoenfelder”

  1. An aerosol boomerang: rapid around-the-world transport of smoke from December 2006 Australia forest fires observed from space

    We investigate rapid around-the-world transport of a smoke aerosol plume released by intense fore...

    R Dirksen, F Boersma, ATJ de Laat, P Stammes, G van der Werf, H Kelder | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 114 | Year: 2009 | doi: 10.1029/2009JD012360


  2. Pollution from aircraft emissions in the North Atlantic flight corridor

    The Pollution From Aircraft Emissions in the North Atlantic Flight Corridor (POLINAT) projects we...

    U Schumann, H Schlager, F Arnold, J Ovarlez, H Kelder, O Hov, G Haymann, ISA Isaksen, J Staehelin, PD Whitefield | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 105 | Year: 2000 | First page: 3605 | Last page: 3850 | doi: 10.1029/1999JD900941


  3. Evaluation of stratospheric NO2 retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: intercomparison, diurnal cycle and trending

    RJ Dirksen, KF Boersma, HJ Eskes, DV Ionov, EJ Bucsela, PF Levelt, H Kelder | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2011 | doi: 10.1029/2010JD014943


  4. Upper Air Wind Measurements by Weather Radar

    Doppler weather radars can be employed to determine wind profiles at a high temporal resolution. ...

    I Holleman, H Benschop, J van der Meulen | Conference: WMO Technical Conference (TECO-2005) | Organisation: WMO | Place: Bucharest | Year: 2005 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Concentration of air polution in Europe, made in Holland

    RJ van der A, F Boersma, G de Leeuw, R Schoemaker | Journal: Land + Water Internationaal | Year: 2005 | First page: 18 | Last page: 19
