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First 827 results for ”JJ Erbrink”

  1. A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days

    Climate change is increasingly predisposing polar regions to large landslides. Tsunamigenic lands...

    K Svennevig, SP Hicks, T Forbriger, T. Lecocq, R. Widmer-Schnidrig, ..., JD Assink, LG Evers, et al | Journal: Science | Volume: 385 | Year: 2024 | First page: 1196 | Last page: 1205 | doi:


  2. Remote influences on European climate

    In this project a number of topics are addressed that are relevant for the construction of climat...

    FM Selten, HW van den Brink | Year: 2011


  3. The added value of the high-resolution HARMONIE runs for deriving the HBCs

    For the derivation of the Hydraulic Boundary Conditions (HBCs), information on extreme winds over...

    P Baas, HW van den Brink | Year: 2014


  4. Extrapolation from wind extremes: pitfalls and surprises

    Transient weather systems of the extra-tropical regions occasionally give rise to extreme wind co...

    HW van den Brink, FM Selten | Status: submitted | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2009


  5. Estimating 10000-year return values from short time series

    HW van den Brink, GP Konnen | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Volume: 31 | Year: 2011 | First page: 115 | Last page: 126 | doi: 10.1002/joc.2047
