EC-EARTH Science and Implementation Plan
There is an increasing need for meteorological institutes and academic institutions to inform pol...
Wilco Hazeleger, EC-EARTH consortium | Year: 2007 | Pages: 22
The Scatterometer Instrument Competence Centre (SCIRoCCo): project’s activities and first achievements
The Scatterometer Instrument Competence Centre (SCIRoCCo, http://scirocco.sp.serco.eu) is a proje...
R Crapolicchio, A Bigazzi, G De Chiara, X Neyt, A Stoffelen, M Belmonte Rivas, W Wagner, C Reimer | Conference: Living Planet Symposium | Place: Prague in Czech Republik | Year: 2016 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Total ozone columns and vertical ozone profiles above Kiev in 2005-2008
Total ozone columns and vertical ozone profiles above Kiev in 2005-2008
A.V. Shavrina1, M. Kroon2...
AV Shavrina, M Kroon, VA Sheminova, YV Pavlenko, AA Veles, II Synyavski, YO Romanyuk | Status: published | Journal: Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya | Volume: 16 | Year: 2010 | First page: 3 | Last page: 12 | doi: ISSN 1561-8889
GCOS reference upper air network (GRUAN): Steps towards assuring future climate records
The observational climate record is a cornerstone of our scientific understanding of climate chan...
PW Thorne, H Vömel, G Bodeker, M Sommer, A Apituley, F Berger, S Bojinski, G Braathen, B Calpini, B Demoz, H Diamond, J Dykema, A Fasso, M Fujiwara, T Gardiner | Conference: TEMPERATURE: ITS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL IN SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY | Place: Los Angeles | Year: 2012 | First page: 1042 | Last page: 1047
Retrievals of Precipitable Water Vapor and Aerosol Optical Depth from direct sun measurements with EKO MS711 and MS712 Spectroradiometers
Based on the strict radiative transfer algorithm, a new method is developed to derive the Precipi...
Qiao, C., Liu, S., Huo, J., Mu, X., Wang, P., Jia, S., Fan, X., and Duan, M | Journal: The EGU interactive community platform | Year: 2022 | doi: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2022-315