Detection Efficiency of a SAFIR Lightning Detection Network from Railroad Damage Reports
Estimation of the detection efficiency of a operational lightning detection network is not a triv...
R Boonstra, H Beekhuis, I Holleman | Status: submitted | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2009
Post-EPS Competing Scatterometer Designs: ASCAT versus RFSCAT
Post–EPS is the successor of the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) and will provide continuity of opera...
G Egger, M Belmonte Rivas | Conference: ARSI - Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments | Organisation: European Space Agency | Place: Noordwijk (The Netherlands) | Year: 2009 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Upper Air Climatology of EHAM-FIR, Part 2, below 850 hPa.
This report presents upper-air climatology for the lower troposphere (below 850 hPa
or 1.5 km) fo...
G Groen, D Wolters | Year: 2010
Analysis of seasonal ocean bottom pressure variability in the Gulf of Thailand from GRACE
Since its launch in 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has proven to be an...
B Wouters, D Chambers | Status: published | Journal: Glob. Plan. Change | Volume: 74 | Year: 2010 | First page: 76 | Last page: 81 | doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2010.08.002
Tropical disturbances in a GCM
We have analyzed the tropical disturbances in a 11-layer atmospheric general circulation model (G...
RJ Haarsma, JFB Mitchell, CA Senior | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 8 | Year: 1993 | First page: 247 | Last page: 257