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First 42 results for ” A Pozzer”

  1. Comprehensive evaluation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) reanalysis against independent observations: Reactive gases

    The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is operationally providing forecast and reana...

    Wagner, A., Bennouna, Y., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Brasseur, G., Chabrillat, S., Christophe, Y., Errera, Q., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Hansen, K. M., Inness, A., Kapsomenakis, J., Langerock, B., Richter, A., Sudarchikova, N., Thouret, V., Zerefos, C. | Journal: Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene | Volume: 9 | Year: 2021 | First page: 00171 | doi: 10.1525/elementa.2020.00171


  2. The acceleration of sea-level rise along the coast of the Netherlands started in the 1960s

    While a global acceleration of sea-level rise (SLR) during the 20th century is now established, l...

    Iris Keizer, Dewi Le Bars, Cees de Valk, André Jüling, Roderik van de Wal, Sybren Drijfhout. | Journal: Ocean Science | Volume: 19 | Year: 2023 | First page: 991 | Last page: 1007 | doi: 10.5194/os-19-991-2023


  3. De staat van ons klimaat in 2023 = The state of Our Climate in 2023: Weather in Caribbean Netherlands in a Changing Climate = Estado di nos Klima 2023: Wer na Hulanda Karibense den tempunan di kambio di Klima

    Het weer in het Caribisch gebied werd in 2023 sterk beïnvloed door La Niña, die rond maart ten ei...

    Nadia Bloemendaal, Carine Homan, Iris Keizer, Eva van der Kooij, Frédérik Ruijs, Peter Siegmund, Bart Verheggen | Year: 2024 | Pages: 20


  4. SCIAMACHY -- Monitoring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere

    M Gottwald, H Bovensmann, G Lichtenberg, S Noel, A von Bargen, S Slijkhuis, AJM Piters, R Hoogeveen, C von Savigny, M Buchwitz, A Kokhanovsky, A Richter, A Rozanov, T Holzer-Popp, et al | Year: 2006 | Publisher: DLR - IMF


  5. KNMI National Climate Scenarios 2023 for the Netherlands

    This is the scientific report, which supports the Dutch ‘gebruikersrapport’ with more background ...

    R. van Dorland, J. Beersma, J. Bessembinder, N. Bloemendaal, H. van den Brink, M. Brotons Blanes, S. Drijfhout, R. Haarsma, I. Keizer, F. Krikken D. Le Bars, G. Lenderink, E. van Meijgaard, J. F. Meirink, T. Reerink, F. Selten, C. Severijns, P. Siegmund, A. Sterl, B. Overbeek, H. de Vries, B. Wichers Schreur, K. van der Wiel | Year: 2023 | Pages: 365
