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First 536 results for ” Pierre Hélaouët”

  1. Ship Logbooks Help Analyze Pre-instrumental Climate

    R Garcia-Herrera, GP Können, DA Wheeler, MR Prieto, PD Jones, FB Koek | Journal: EOS | Volume: 87 | Year: 2006 | First page: 173 | Last page: 180


  2. C-IFS-CB05-BASCOE: stratospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF

    We present a model description and benchmark evaluation of an extension of the tropospheric chemi...

    V Huijnen, J Flemming, S Chabrillat, Q Errera, Y Christophe, AM Blechschmidt, A Richter, H Eskes | Status: published | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 3071 | Last page: 3091 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-9-3071-2016


  3. Strong Intensification of Hourly Rainfall Extremes by Urbanization

    Y Li, HJ Fowler, D Argueso, S Blenkinsop, JP Evans, G Lenderink, X Yan, SB Guerreiro, E Lewis, XF Li | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 47 | Year: 2020 | First page: e2020GL0 | doi:


  4. Estimating trends and the current climate mean in a changing climate

    Describing the climate evolution using trend lines and estimating the current climate mean (CCM) ...

    Scherrer, S. C., de Valk, C., Begert, M., Gubler, S., Kotlarski, S., & Croci-Maspoli, M. | Journal: Climate Services | Volume: 33 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  5. Technical note: A guide to using three open-source quality control algorithms for rainfall data from personal weather stations

    The number of rainfall observations from personal weather stations (PWSs) has increased significa...

    El Hachem, A., Seidel, J., O'Hara, T., Villalobos Herrera, R., Overeem, A., Uijlenhoet, R., Bárdossy, A., de Vos, L. | Journal: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. | Volume: 28 | Year: 2024 | First page: 4715 | Last page: 4731 | doi: 10.5194/hess-28-4715-2024
