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First 2307 results for ”F Sperna Weiland”

  1. Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km‐scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX‐FPS convection

    Heatwaves (HWs) are high-impact phenomena stressing both societies and ecosystems. Their intensit...

    L. Sangelantoni, S. Sobolowski, T. Lorenz, Ø. Hodnebrog, R. M. Cardoso, P. M. M. Soares, R. Ferretti, A. Lavín‐Gullón., J. Fernandez, K. Goergen, J. Milovac, E. Katragkou, S. Kartsios, E. Coppola, E. Pichelli, M. Adinolfi, P. Mercogliano, S. Berthou, H. de Vries, A. Dobler, D. Belušić, H. Feldmann, M. H. Tölle, S. Bastin | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Year: 2023 | First page: 1 | Last page: 37 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06769-9


  2. Het noodweer van 14 juli 2010 in Vethuizen en Neerkant en omgeving

    Op woensdag 14 juli 2010 trok een intensieve buienlijn over ons land. De bijbehorende windfenomen...

    G Groen (Ed), R Groenland, J Hemink, J Kuiper, N Wever | Year: 2011 | Pages: 0


  3. Het noodweer van 14 juli 2010 in Vethuizen en Neerkant e.o., meteorologisch onderzoek en achtergronden

    Op woensdag 14 juli 2010 trok een intensieve buienlijn over ons land. De bijbehorende windfenomen...

    R Groenland, G Groen, J Hemink, J Kuiper, N Wever | Year: 2010 | Pages: 0


  4. Improving slowness estimate stability and visualization using limited sensor pair correlation on seismic arrays

    Seismic arrays enhance signal detection and parameter estimation by exploiting the time-delays be...

    S Gibbons, S Naesholm, EN Ruigrok, T Kvaerna | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. J. Int. | Volume: 213 | Year: 2018 | First page: 447 | Last page: 460 | doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx550


  5. Improving precipitation nowcasting for high-intensity events using deep generative models with balanced loss and temperature data: A case study in the Netherlands

    Precipitation nowcasting is essential for weather-dependent decision-making, but it remains a cha...

    Charlotte Cambier van Nooten, Koert Schreurs, Jasper S. Wijnands, Hidde Leijnse, Maurice Schmeits, Kirien Whan, Yuliya Shapovalova | Journal: Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems | Volume: 2 | Year: 2023 | First page: 1 | Last page: 16 | doi:
