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First 4260 results for ” Roel and Randriamampianina”

  1. Rationale of GNSS Reflected Delay–Doppler Map (DDM) Distortions Induced by Specular Point Inaccuracies

    Global navigation satellite system reflectometry (GNSS-R)-derived winds from the cyclone GNSS (CY...

    G Grieco, ACM Stoffelen, M Portabella | Status: published | Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O | Year: 2019 | First page: 1 | Last page: 11 | doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2938327


  2. An LES model study of the influence of the free tropospheric thermodynamic conditions on the stratocumulus response to a climate perturbation

    Twenty-five large-eddy simulations are performed to study how free tropospheric thermody- namic c...

    JJ van der Dussen, SR de Roode, S Dal Gesso, AP Siebesma | Status: published | Journal: J. of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Volume: 7 | Year: 2015 | First page: 670 | Last page: 691 | doi: doi:10.1002/2014MS000380


  3. Impact of nesting resolution jump on dynamical downscaling ozone concentrations over Belgium

    Global air quality datasets with a coarse resolution have to be downscaled to become useful for r...

    D Lauwaet, P Viaene, E Brisson, T van Noije, A Strunk, S Van Looy, B Maiheu, N Veldeman, L Blyth, K De Ridder, S Janssen | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Environ. | Volume: 67 | Year: 2013 | First page: 46 | Last page: 52 | doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.10.034


  4. Ozon, luchtkwaliteit en klimaatverandering

    Klimaatverandering is een mondiaal probleem. De veranderingen in het klimaat door toename van bro...

    T van Noije | Journal: Tijdschrift Lucht | Volume: 6 | Year: 2008 | First page: 12 | Last page: 15


  5. GPS water vapour meteorology : status report

    Microwave radio signals transmitted by GPS satellites are refracted by the atmosphere as they pro...

    H Derks, et al. | Year: 1997 | Pages: 40
