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First 4882 results for ” Jules Beersma en Henk van den Brink. 9: Ben Wichers Schreur. Eindredactie Rob van Dorland”

  1. COVID-19 Impact on the Oil and Gas Industry NO2 Emissions: A Case Study of the Permian Basin

    COVID-19 caused a historic collapse in fossil fuel demand, a general decline in economic activity...

    Raquel Serrano-Calvo, J. Pepijn Veefkind, Barbara Dix, Joost de Gouw, Pieternel F. Levelt | Journal: J. Geophys Res | Volume: 128 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  2. Innovative Visualizations Shed Light on Avian Nocturnal Migration

    Globally, billions of flying animals undergo seasonal migrations, many of which occur at night. T...

    J Shamoun-Baranes, A Farnsworth, B Aelterman, JA Alves, K Azijn, G Bernstein, S Branco, P Desmet, AM Dokter, K Horton, S Kelling, JF Kelly, H Leijnse, J Rong, D Sheldon | Status: published | Journal: PLOS One | Volume: 11 | Year: 2016 | First page: e0160106 | doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160106


  3. Application of a weather generator to simulate extreme river discharges in the Rhine and Meuse basins

    Flood protection along the main rivers in the Netherlands is based on design discharges with an e...

    R Leander, H Buiteveld, MJM de Wit, TA Buishand | Conference: NCR dagen | Place: Wageningen | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Validation report of the MACC near-real time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics until November 2011

    The MACC II (Modelling Atmospheric Composition and Climate, project is es...

    HJ Eskes, V Huijnen, A Wagner, M Schulz, K Lefever | Year: 2012


  5. TR 5.3 Summary of methodology and temperature series

    This report summarizes the results and methodologies that have been obtained by individual member...

    C Schmidt, S Wust, M Bittner, PSM Smets | Year: 2013
