Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection
A projection from 1981 for rising temperatures in a major science journal, at a time that the tem...
GJ van Oldenborgh, RJ Haarsma | Journal: KNMI Kenniscentrum | Year: 2012
Windstorms in northwest Europe in late 2013
The winter period of 2013/2014 has been very active in terms of windstorms affecting northwest Eu...
TD Hewson, L Magnusson, O Breivik, F Prates, I Tsonevsky, JW de Vries | Journal: ECMWF Newsletter | Volume: 139 | Year: 2014 | First page: 22 | Last page: 28
Towards advection on a full reduced grid for TM5
In this report we describe generalizations which have been made to the advection scheme of the TM...
PB Hooghiemstra | Year: 2006
ECSIM Model and Algorithms Document
The Earth Clouds and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is a joint initiative between the Eur...
DP Donovan, RH Voors, GJ van Zadelhoff, JR Acaretta | Year: 2008
Observing System Simulation Experiments
Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) are typically designed to use data assimilation i...
M Masutani, T Schlatter, R Errico, A Stoffelen, E Andersson, W Lahoz, JS Woollen, GD Emmitt, LP Riishojgaard, SJ Lord | Year: 2010