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First 1435 results for ” LD Travis”

  1. Optisch-oceanografisch werk in de jaren 1967, 1968 en 1970 verricht op de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan

    ( weerschipstations,,A, M en K)

    M.P. Visser | Year: 1971 | Pages: 25


  2. Schipboard laboratory measurements of light transmittance of Sargasso Sea water in the visible and near infrared part of the spectrum

    Schipboard laboratory measurements of light transmittance of Sargasso Sea water in the visible an...

    M.P. Visser | Year: 1967 | Pages: 26


  3. Evaluation and intercomparison of global atmospheric transport models using 222Rn and other short-lived tracers

    DJ Jacob, MJ Prather, P.J. Rasch, R.L. Shia, YJ Balkanski, S.R. Beagley, DJ Bergmann, W.T. Blackshear, M Brown, M. Chiba, MP Chipperfield, J. de Grandpre, JE Dignon, J. Feichter, C Genthon, W.L. Grose, PS Kasibhatla, I. Kohler, MA Kritz, K. Law, JE Penner, M. Ramonet, CE Reeves, D.A. Rotman, DZ Stockwell, PFJ Van Velthoven, G. Verver, O Wild, H. Yang, P. Zimmermann | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 102 | Year: 1997 | First page: 5953 | Last page: 5970


  4. TRAQ Performance Analysis and Requirements Consolidation for the Candidate Earth Explorer Mission TRAQ - Final Report

    This is the final report of the ON TRAQ (Original and New TRopospheric composition and Air Qualit...

    D Stein Zweers (Editor), PF Levelt (Editor), C Camy-Peyret (Editor), H Eskes (Editor), G de Leeuw (Editor), PF Coheur (Editor), J Tamminen (Editor), P Prunet (Editor), JP Veefkind (Editor) | Year: 2010


  5. TRAQ Performance Analysis and Requirements Consolidation for the Candidate Earth Explorer Mission TRAQ - Executive summary

    This report is the executive summary of the ON TRAQ (Original and New TRopospheric composition an...

    D Stein Zweers (Editor), PF Levelt (Editor), C Camy-Peyret (Editor), H Eskes (Editor), G de Leeuw (Editor), PF Coheur (Editor), J Tamminen (Editor), P Prunet (Editor), JP Veefkind (Editor) | Year: 2010
