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First 703 results for ” T.; Bösch”

  1. Beschrijving en toepassingsmogelijkheden van gemiddelde topografieën van het 500 mbar vlak in afhankelijkheid van circulatietypen

    Beschrijving en toepassingsmogelijkheden van gemiddelde topografieën van het 500 mbar vlak in afh...

    W. van Dijk, F.H. Schmidt en C.J.E. Schuurmans | Year: 1974 | Pages: 162


  2. A global single-sensor analysis of 2002–2011 tropospheric nitrogen dioxide trends observed from space

    P Schneider, RJ van der A | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 117 | Year: 2012 | doi: 10.1029/2012JD017571


  3. Horizontal and vertical background error correlations

    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model background error correlations play a decisive role in da...

    GJ Marseille, H Schyberg, A Stoffelen | Year: 2012


  4. Horizontal and vertical background error correlations

    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model background error correlations play a decisive role in da...

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, H Schyberg | Year: 2012


  5. (Too) Hot or not? Field experiment with the KNMI thermometer screen

    The design and first results of a field experiment are described to assess the overall uncertaint...

    MJ de Haij, JR Bijma, N Proksch | Conference: Papers and Posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation, TECO-2014 | Organisation: WMO | Place: St. Petersburg, Russia | Year: 2014 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
