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First 5210 results for ”KNMI in samenwerking met Deltares en het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat”

  1. Lateral mixing in shallow convection: In theory and in practice

    Analytical expressions, in principle also valid for an ensemble of clouds, are derived for $\eps$...

    WC de Rooy, AP Siebesma | Journal: Hirlam Newsletter | Year: 2009


  2. An investigation of the representative heights for atmospheric motion vectors

    The objective of this study is to find out the reason for the biases which exist in the cloud hei...

    R. Dlhopolsky and A. Feijt | Year: 2003 | Pages: 32


  3. Seasonal Climate Extremes: Mechanisms, Predictability & Responses to Global Warming

    Climate extremes are rarely occurring natural phenomena in the climate system. They often pose on...

    ME Shongwe | University: Utrecht University | Year: 2010


  4. Amateurweerstations voor operationele hoge resolutie regenkaarten

    Automatische weerstations, verbonden met online platforms, kunnen grote hoeveelheden weerobservat...

    Lotte de Vos, Hidde Leijnse, Aart Overeem, Remko Uijlenhoet | Journal: Stromingen | Volume: 26 | Year: 2020


  5. Radiative cooling in the nocturnal boundary layer

    In this thesis the transfer of infrared radiation (electromagnetic waves with a wavelength betwee...

    S.A. Tjemkes | Year: 1988 | Pages: 107
