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First 1838 results for ” Rupert Stuart-Smith”

  1. Frontiers in attributing climate extremes and associated impacts

    The field of extreme event attribution (EEA) has rapidly developed over the last two decades. Var...

    Sarah Elizabeth Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Lisa Alexander, Andrew King, Sarah Kew, Sjoukje Philip, Clair Barnes, Douglas Maraun, Rupert Stuart-Smith, Aglae Jezequel, Emanuele Bevacqua, Samantha Burgess, Erich Fischer, Gabriele Hegerl, Joyce Kimutai, Gerbrand Koren, Kamoru Abiodun Lawal, Seung-Ki Min, Mark New, Romaric Odoulami, Christina Patricola, Izidine Pinto, Aurelien Ribes, Tiffany Shaw, Wim Thiery, Blair Trewin, Robert Vautard, Michael Wehner, Jakob Zscheischler | Journal: Frontiers in Climate | Volume: 6 | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1455023


  2. Atmospheric model inversion using infrasound signals from the North Korean underground nuclear explosion and the subsequent collapse event in 2017

    This study focuses on the infrasound signals from the September 2017 North Korean underground nuc...

    J Park, JD Assink, B Stump, C Hayward, S Arrowsmith, I. Che | Journal: Geophysical Journal International | Volume: 232 | Year: 2022 | First page: 902 | Last page: 922 | doi:


  3. Introduction to the Special Section on Seismoacoustics and Seismoacoustic Data Fusion

    A variety of geophysical hazards (e.g., volcanic activity, earthquakes, mass movements, marine st...

    FK Dannemann Dugick, JW Bishop, L Martire, AM Iezzi, JD Assink, Q Brissaud, S Arrowsmith | Journal: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | Year: 2023 | doi:


  4. Modeling of precipitation over Africa: progress, challenges, and prospects

    In recent years, there has been an increasing need for climate information across diverse sectors...

    Akintomide Akinsanola, CW Wenhaji, R Barimalala, Paul-Arthur Monerie, RD Dixon, Alain Tamoffo, MO Adeniyi, Victor Ongoma, I Diallo, M Gudoshava, Caroline Wainwright, Rachel James, KC Silverio, A Faye, S Nangombe, MW Pokam, DA Vondou, NCG Hart, Izidine Pinto, M Kilavi, Samson Hagos, EN Rajagopal, Rupa Kumar Kolli, Joseph Susmitha | Journal: Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1007/s00376-024-4187-6


  5. Wave and sea level monitoring and prediction in the service module of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

    GJ Komen, N Smith | Status: published | Journal: J. Marine Systems | Volume: 19 | Year: 1999 | First page: 235 | Last page: 250
