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First 480 results for ” SM Griffies”

  1. Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference Experiments (COREs)

    S Griffies, . ...., W Hazeleger, . ..., C Severijns, . .. | Status: published | Journal: Ocean Mod. | Year: 2009 | First page: 1 | Last page: 2 | doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.08.007.


  2. The benefits of global high resolution for climate simulation process understanding and the enabling of stakeholder decisions at the regional scale

    The time scales of the Paris Climate Agreement indicate urgent action is required on climate poli...

    MJ Roberts, PL Vidale, C Senior, HT Hewitt, C Bates, S Berthou, P Chang, HM Christensen, S Danilov, ME Demory, SM Griffies, RJ Haarsma, T Jung, G Martin, S Minobe | Status: published | Journal: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2018 | doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00320.1


  3. Enhanced Capabilities of TROPOMI NO2: Estimating NOX from North American Cities and Power Plants

    The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) is used to derive top-down NOX emissions for two...

    DL Goldberg, Z Lu, DG Streets, B de Foy, D Griffin, CA McLinden, LN Lamsal, NA Krotkov, H Eskes | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Science & Technology | Volume: 21 | Year: 2019 | First page: 12594 | Last page: 12601 | doi:


  4. Multi-model simulation of CO and HCHO in the Southern Hemisphere: comparison with observations and impact of biogenic emissions

    We investigate the impact of biogenic emissions on carbon monoxide (CO) and formaldehyde (HCHO) i...

    G Zeng, JE Williams, JA Fisher, LK Emmons, NB Jones, O Morgenstern, J Robinson, D Smale, C Paton-Walsh, DWT Griffith | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 15 | Year: 2015 | First page: 7217 | Last page: 7245 | doi: 10.5194/acp-15-7217-2015


  5. A statistical approach to the life-cycle analysis of cumulus clouds selected in a Virtual Reality Environment

    T Heus, HJJ Jonker, HEA van den Akker, EJ Griffith, M Koutek, FH Post | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2008
