Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) daily and monthly level-3 products of atmospheric trace gas columns

Chan, K. L., Valks, P., Heue, K.-P., Lutz, R., Hedelt, P., Loyola, D., Pinardi, G., Van Roozendael, M., Hendrick, F., Wagner, T., Kumar, V., Bais, A., Piters, A., Irie, H., Takashima, H., Kanaya, Y., Choi, Y., Park, K., Chong, J., Cede, A., Frieß, U., Richter, A., Ma, J., Benavent, N., Holla, R., Postylyakov, O., Rivera Cárdenas, C., and Wenig, M.

We introduce the new Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) daily and monthly level-3 product of total column ozone (O3), total and tropospheric column nitrogen dioxide (NO2), total column water vapour, total column bromine oxide (BrO), total column formaldehyde (HCHO), and total column sulfur dioxide (SO2) (daily products, AC SAF, 2023a; monthly products, AC SAF, 2023b). The GOME-2 level-3 products aim to provide easily translatable and user-friendly data sets to the scientific community for scientific progress as well as to satisfy public interest. The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical basis as well as the verification and validation of the GOME-2 daily and monthly level-3 products.

The GOME-2 level-3 products are produced using the overlapping area-weighting method. Details of the gridding algorithm are presented. The spatial resolution of the GOME-2 level-3 products is selected based on the sensitivity study. The consistency of the resulting level-3 products among three GOME-2 sensors is investigated through time series of global averages, zonal averages, and bias. The accuracy of the products is validated by comparison to ground-based observations. The verification and validation results show that the GOME-2 level-3 products are consistent with the level-2 data. Small discrepancies are found among three GOME-2 sensors, which are mainly caused by the differences in the instrument characteristic and level-2 processor. The comparison of GOME-2 level-3 products to ground-based observations in general shows very good agreement, indicating that the products are consistent and fulfil the requirements to serve the scientific community and general public.

Bibliographic data

Chan, K. L., Valks, P., Heue, K.-P., Lutz, R., Hedelt, P., Loyola, D., Pinardi, G., Van Roozendael, M., Hendrick, F., Wagner, T., Kumar, V., Bais, A., Piters, A., Irie, H., Takashima, H., Kanaya, Y., Choi, Y., Park, K., Chong, J., Cede, A., Frieß, U., Richter, A., Ma, J., Benavent, N., Holla, R., Postylyakov, O., Rivera Cárdenas, C., and Wenig, M.. Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) daily and monthly level-3 products of atmospheric trace gas columns
Journal: Earth System Science Data, Volume: 15, Year: 2023, First page: 1831, Last page: 1870, doi: