Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is essential to European decarbonisation efforts, and...
Coda wave interferometry (CWI) holds promise as a technique for concrete stress monitoring. This ...
Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) are equipped with seismic sensors that record acoustic and seism...
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm is known to be highly efficient when sampling high-dimensio...
Ambient noise seismic tomography has proven to be an effective tool for subsurface imaging, parti...
We present an overview of induced seismicity due to subsurface engineering in the Netherlands. Ou...
We present an efficient probabilistic workflow for the estimation of source parameters of induced...
The Reykjanes Geothermal System (RGS) is a high-temperature geothermal system located on the Reyk...
Global phases, viz. seismic phases that travel through the Earth’s core, can be used to locally i...