Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Clouds dissipate quickly during solar eclipses as the land surface cools

    Clouds affected by solar eclipses could influence the reflection of sunlight back into space and ...

    V.J.H. Trees, S.R. de Roode, J.I. Wiltink, J.F. Meirink, P. Wang, P. Stammes, A.P. Siebesma | Communications Earth & Environment | 2024 | 5
  2. On the temperature dependence of the cloud ice particle effective radius - a satellite perspective

    Cloud ice particle effective radius in atmospheric models is usually parametrized. A widelyused ...

    M. Stengel, J.F. Meirink, S. Eliasson | Geophysical Research Letters | 2023 | 50
  3. Surface solar radiation forecasts by advecting cloud physical properties derived from Meteosat Second Generation observations

    A surface solar radiation forecast algorithm is developed using cloud physical properties from th...

    Wang, P., R.M. van Westrhenen, J.F. Meirink, S.H. van der Veen and W.H. Knap | Solar Energy | 2018
  4. Deriving erythemal UV dose rate from Meteosat Observations

    Downwelling solar irradiance at the surface is retrieved from the geostationary Meteosat SEVIRI i...

    E. Wiegant and J.F. Meirink | --2017 | pp48