Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures from smartphone battery temperatures

    A Overeem, JCR Robinson, H Leijnse, GJ Steeneveld, BKP Horn, R Uijlenhoet | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2013 | 40
  2. Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks

    A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | published | Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences | 2013 | 110
  3. Statistiek van extreme gebiedsneerslag in Nederland

    Extreme neerslag heeft grote invloed op de maatschappij en kan leiden tot materiele scha- ¨ de en...

    Aart Overeem en Adri Buishand | --2012 | pp48
  4. Quantitative precipitation estimation using commercial microwave links

    There is an urgent need for high-quality rainfall observations with high spatial and temporal res...

    A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | published | 2011 | 2011 | International Association of Hydrological Sciences | IAHS Press | yes
  5. Statistiek van extreme gebiedsneerslag in Nederland

    Kansverdelingen van extreme neerslag zijn doorgaans afgeleid van puntmetingen van regenmeternetwe...

    A Overeem, A Buishand, I Holleman, R Uijlenhoet | published | H2O | 2012 | 45
  6. Statistiek van extreme gebiedsneerslag in Nederland

    Extreme neerslag heeft grote invloed op de maatschappij en kan leiden tot materiële schade en sla...

    A Overeem, A Buishand | 4-5-2012 | pp48
  7. Extreme regenval en overstromingen in het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek

    Op 26 en 27 augustus 2010 werd het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek getroffen door extreme neers...

    C Brauer, R Teuling, A Overeem, R Uijlenhoet | published | H2O | 2011 | 44
  8. Anatomy of extraordinary rainfall and flash flood in a Dutch lowland catchment

    CC Brauer, AJ Teuling, A Overeem, Y van der Velde, P Hazenberg, PMM Warmerdam, R Uijlenhoet | published | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2011 | 15
  9. Measuring urban rainfall using microwave links from commercial cellular communication networks

    A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2011 | 47
  10. Precipitation Measurement at CESAR, the Netherlands

    The Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR) observatory hosts a unique collecti...

    Leijnse, Uijlenhoet, Beek, Overeem, Otto, Unal, Dufournet, Russchenberg, Figueras i Ventura, Klein Baltink, Holleman | published | J. Hydrometeor. | 2010 | 11
  11. Extreme rainfall climatology from weather radar

    Extreme rainfall events have a large impact on society and can lead to loss of life and property....

    A Overeem, I Holleman, A Buishand | In: KNMI Triennial Scientific Report 2007-2009 | 0-9-2010 | pp6
  12. Buienradar brengt kans op extreme regenval in kaart

    De KNMI-neerslagradars maken elke vijf minuten scans over heel Nederland, waarna vrijwel gelijk d...

    A Overeem | published | Weer Magazine | 2010 | 11
  13. Extreme-value modeling of areal rainfall from weather radar

    A Overeem, TA Buishand, I Holleman, R Uijlenhoet | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2010 | 46
  14. Climatology of extreme rainfall from rain gauges and weather radar

    Extreme rainfall events can have a large impact on society and can lead to loss of life and prope...

    A Overeem | published | 2009
  15. Neerslagklimatologie uit weerradar

    Weerradars geven neerslagschattingen over grote gebieden met hoge ruimtelijke en temporele resolu...

    A Overeem, I Holleman, TA Buishand | published | H2O | 2009 | 42
  16. Extreme rainfall analysis and estimation of depth-duration-frequency curves using weather radar

    Rain gauge data are often employed to estimate the rainfall depth for a given return period. Howe...

    A Overeem, TA Buishand, I Holleman | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2009 | 45
  17. Derivation of a 10-year radar-based climatology of rainfall

    Weather radars give quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) over large areas with high spatial...

    A Overeem, I Holleman, TA Buishand | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  18. Verification of clear-air turbulence forecasts

    This report presents a verification of clear-air turbulence (CAT) forecasts using a pilot survey ...

    A Overeem | 0-5-2002 | pp76