Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Statistical comparisons of observed and ECMWF modelled open ocean surface drag

    H Bonekamp, GJ Komen, A Sterl, PAEM Janssen, PK Taylor, MJ Yelland | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 2002 | 32
  2. Reply to: comments on improvement of the short-fetch behavior in the Wave Ocean Model (WAM)

    J Hersbach, PAEM Janssen | published | J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | 2001 | 18
  3. An assessment of the ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) air/sea fluxes using Wave and Ocean General Circulation Models

    H Bonekamp, A Sterl, GJ Komen, G Burgers, GJ van Oldenborgh, PAEM Janssen | published | 2001
  4. On the sea state dependence of the Charnock parameter

    GJ Komen, PAEM Janssen, VK Makin, W Oost | published | The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System | 1998 | 5
  5. On the sea state dependence of the Charnock parameter

    GJ Komen, PAEM Janssen, V Makin, WA Oost | published | The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System | 1998 | 5
  6. Wave data assimilation in the WAM wave model

    Using the adjoint technique, wave height data have been assimilated into the third generation oce...

    MM de las Heras, G Burgers, PAEM Janssen | published | J. Marine Systems | 1995 | 6
  7. Dynamics and modelling of ocean waves

    GJ Komen, L Cavaleri, M Donelan, K Hasselmann, S Hasselmann, PAEM Janssen | published | 1994 | Cambridge University Press
  8. Variational wave data assimilation in a thrid-generation wave model

    MM de las Heras, G Burgers, PAEM Janssen | published | J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | 1994 | 11
  9. Coupling of a wave model and a storm surge model through the atmospheric boundary layer

    The effect of a wave-dependent drag coefficient on the generation of storm surge in the North...

    C Mastenbroek, G Burgers, PAEM Janssen | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 1993 | 23