Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Regime transitions in near-surface temperature inversions: a conceptual model.

    A conceptual model is used in combination with observational analysis to understand regime transi...

    BJH van de Wiel, E Vignon, P Baas, IGS van Hooijdonk, SJA van der Linden, JA van Hooft, FC Bosveld, SR de Roode, AF Moene, CG Genthon | accepted | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2017 | 74
  2. Derivation of structure parameters in the convective boundary layer from large-eddy simulations and implications for the interpretation of scintillometer observations

    B Maronga, AF Moene, D van Dinther, S Raasch, FC Bosveld, B Gioli | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2013
  3. The minimum wind speed for sustainable turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer

    BJH van de Wiel, AF Moene, HJJ Jonker, P Baas, S Basu, JMM Donda, J Sun, AAM Holtslag | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2012
  4. On MOST scaling in and above the surface layer: the complexities of elevated scintillometer measurements

    M Braam, FC Bosveld, AF Moene | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2012 | 144
  5. A conceptual view on inertial oscillations and nocturnal low-level jets

    BJH van de Wiel, AF Moene, GJ Steeneveld, P Baas, FC Bosveld, AAM Holtslag | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2010 | 67
  6. An integrated MSG-scintillometer network system to monitore sensible and latent heat fluxes

    HAR de Bruin, AF Moene, FC Bosveld | published | ESA report SP-582. | no
  7. Estimation of sensible heat flux using the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) and ATSR measurements

    LJ Jia, Z Su, B van den Hurk, M Menenti, AF Moene | published | Phys. Chem. Earth | 2003 | 28
  8. Validation of the surface parametrization of HIRLAM using surface-based measurements and remote sensing data

    A case study has been done in which ground-based and remote sensing data have been used to valida...

    AF Moene, HAR de Bruin, AAM Holtslag | 10-7-1995 | pp0