Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Modeled Influence of Land Ice and CO2 on Polar Amplification and Paleoclimate Sensitivity During the Past 5 Million Years

    Polar amplification and paleoclimate sensitivity (S) have been the subject of many paleoclimate s...

    LB Stap, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, P Kohler, JH Hoencamp, G Lohmann, E Tuenter, LJ Lourens | published | Paleoceanography | 2018 | 33
  2. Interaction of ice sheets and climate during the past 800,000 years

    LB Stap, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, R Bintanja, LJ Lourens | submitted | Climate of the Past | 2014
  3. Transient nature of Earth's climate and the interpretation of benthic d18O records

    B de Boer, RSW van de Wal, LJ Lourens, R Bintanja | published | Paleoceanography | 2012
  4. A process-based understanding of the late Cenozoic carbon cycle

    P Koehler, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, L Lourens, R Bintanja, T Bickert, G Lohmann | submitted | Paleoceanography | 2012
  5. A continuous simulation of global ice volume over the past 1 million years with 3-D ice-sheet models

    B de Boer, RSW van de Wal, LJ Lourens, R Bintanja, TJ Reerink | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2012
  6. Continuous and self-consistent CO2 and climate records over the past 20 Myrs

    RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, LJ Lourens, P Koehler, R Bintanja | submitted | Climate of the Past | 2011
  7. Transient nature of the Earth’s climate and the implications for the interpretation of benthic d18O records

    B de Boer, RSW van de Wal, LJ Lourens, R Bintanja | accepted | Paleoceanography | 2010
  8. Cenozoic global ice volume and temperature simulations with 1-D ice-sheet models forced by benthic d18O records

    B de Boer, RSW van de Wal, R Bintanja, LJ Lourens, E Tuenter | published | Annals of Glaciology | 2010 | 51
  9. Projected changes in extreme precipitation in Africa under global warming. Part 1: Southern Africa

    This study investigates likely changes in mean and extreme precipitation in southern Africa in re...

    ME Shongwe, GJ van Oldenborgh, BJJM van den Hurk, B de Boer, CAS Coelho, MK van Aalst | published | J. Climate | 2009 | 22
  10. The impact of climate change on rainfall extremes over Northeast Africa

    Africa is highly vulnerable to rainfall variability and thus to climate change. The highest impa...

    B de Boer | 7-9-2007 | pp46