Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide load over China as observed from different satellite sensors

    China, with its rapid economic growth and immense exporting power, has been the focus of many stu...

    ME Koukouli, DS Balis, RJ van der A, N Theys, P Hedelt, A Richter, N Krotkov, C Li, M Taylor | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2016
  2. Characterization of OMI tropospheric NO2 over the Baltic Sea region

    This work presents a characterization of tropospheric NO2 columns based on case-study analysis in...

    I Ialongo, J Hakkarainen, N Hyttinen, JP Jalkanen, L Johansson, KF Boersma, N Krotkov, J Tamminen | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2014
  3. Global analysis of the relation between aerosols and short-lived trace gases

    The spatial and temporal correlations between concurrent satellite observations of aerosol optica...

    JP Veefkind, KF Boersma, J Wang, T Kurosu, N Krotkov, PF Levelt | accepted | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2010
  4. Several First Year's Results of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument

    PF Levelt, JP Veefkind, M Kroon, EJ Brinksma, RD McPeters, G Labow, N Krotkov, D Ionov, E Hilsenrath, A Tanskanen, GHJ van den Oord, PK Bhartia | 2006 | 2006 | ESA-ESRIN