Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for High-Resolution Lidar Extinction Backscatter and Depolarization ratio (A-EBD ATBD)

    This document describes the Lidar only Extinction, Backscatter and Depolarization L2a algorithm d...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, S Berthier | 2011 | ESA | 2011
  2. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for A-Classification (A-TC ATBD)

    This document describes two modules relevant to the classification of the scene. The ATBD is set ...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, S Berthier | 2011 | ESA | 2011
  3. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for ACM-Classification

    This document describes the algorithm for retrieving the synergetic lidar/radar/msi classificatio...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan, S Berthier | 2011 | ESA | 2011
  4. Final Report ATLAS ATLID Algorithms and Level 2 System Aspects

    This document summarises the work carried out under the ATLAS project. The main objective of ATLA...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, S Berthier | 2011 | ESA | 2011
  5. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for A-FeatureMask (ATLAS)

    The atbd describes the Featuremask algorithm for the ATLID lidar signals onboard the EarthCARE sa...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan, S Berthier | 2011 | ESA | 2011
  6. Products and Algorithms Requirements Document ATLAS

    This document presents the products and algorithms which are the focus of ATLAS. Within ATLAS sev...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff, S Berthier | 2010 | ESA | 2010
  7. ATLID Algorithms and Level 2 System Aspects: Task Report 1

    This document presents the work performed within Task 1 of the ATLAS project. Within ATLAS, sever...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan, S Berthier | 2010 | ESA | 2010
  8. Synergy between CALIOP and MODIS instruments for aerosol monitoring: application to the Po Valley

    In this study aerosol optical properties are studied over the Po Valley from June 2006 to Februar...

    P Royer, J-C Raut, G Ajello, S Berthier, P Chazette | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2010 | 3
  9. Using CALIPSO to explore the sensitivity to cirrus height in the infrared observations from NPOESS/VIIRS and GOES-R/ABI

    This paper demonstrates how the availability of specific infrared channels impacts the ability of...

    AK Heidinger, MJ Pavolonis, RE Holz, BA Baum, S Berthier | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2010 | 115
  10. Simultaneous observations of lower tropospheric continental aerosols with a ground-based, an airborne, and the spaceborne CALIOP lidar system

    We present an original experiment with multiple lidar systems operated simultaneously to study th...

    P Chazette, J-C Raut, F Dulac, S Berthier, S-W Kim, P Royer, J Sanak, S Loaec, H Grigaut-Desbrosses | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2010 | 115