Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. The joint probability of rainfall and runoff deficits in the Netherlands

    JJ Beersma, TA Buishand | published | World Water & Environmental Resources Congres 2004 | June 27 - July 1, Salt Lake City, USA (CD-ROM) | no
  2. Joint probability of precipitation and discharge deficits in the Netherlands

    JJ Beersma, TA Buishand | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2004 | 40
  3. Multi-site simulation of daily precipitation and temperature conditional on the atmospheric circulation

    Nearest-neighbour resampling was used to generate multi-site sequences of daily precipitation and...

    JJ Beersma, TA Buishand | published | Climate Research | 2003 | 25
  4. Projectie van de Elbe-zomerneerslag op de Rijn en de Maas; Onderzoek naar aanleiding van de recente overstromingen in Midden-Europa

    W van de Langeheem, JRA Onvlee, GP Können, J Schellekens (red.), JJ Beersma, TA Buishand, R Jilderda, E van Meijgaard, S Tijm, D Vogelezang | published | 2002
  5. Shortwave radiation and cloud parameterizations for intermediate complexity models

    Shortwave radiation and cloud parameterizations for intermediate complexity models

    JJ Beersma, R van Dorland, JD Opsteegh | 0-2-2002 | pp36
  6. IPCC projections of future climate change

    JJ Beersma | published | (Electronic proceedings of MITCH Workshop I) | no
  7. Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin; multi-site simulation of daily weather variables by nearest-neighbour resampling

    JJ Beersma, TA Buishand, R Wójcik | published | CHR-Report no. I-20 | International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR), Lelystad, The Netherlands | no
  8. Weer en water in de 21e eeuw - Een samenvatting van het derde IPCC klimaatrapport voor het Nederlandse waterbeheer

    Het derde klimaatrapport van het Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is gepubliceerd...

    JJ Beersma, BJJM van den Hurk, GP Konnen | published | 2001
  9. Climate scenarios for water-related and coastal impacts

    JJ Beersma, M Agnew, D Viner, M Hulme (eds) | published | Climate Research Unit, UEA, Norwich, UK | no
  10. De toestand van het klimaat in Nederland 1999

    Dit rapport De toestand van het klimaat in Nederland 1999 is de derde van onze driejaarlijkse kl...

    GP Können, TA Buishand, T Brandsma, JJ Beersma | --1999 | pp66
  11. De Noord-Atlantische Oscillatie

    JD Opsteegh, JJ Beersma | published | De toestand van het klimaat in Nederland 1999 | 1999 | KNMI | no
  12. A simple Test for Equality of Variances in Monthly Climate Data

    Tests for equality of variances of monthly climate data using resampling techniques are discussed...

    JJ Beersma, TA Buishand | published | J. Climate | 1999 | 12
  13. Changing waves and storms in the Northeast Atlantic?

    The WASA Group, JJ Beersma, E Bouws, GJ Komen, KM Rider et al | published | 1998
  14. An analysis of extratropical storms in the North Atlantic region as simulated in a control and 2xCO2 time slice experiment with a high resolution atmospheric model

    JJ Beersma, KM Rider, GJ Komen, E Kaas, VV Kharin | published | Tellus | 1997 | 49A
  15. Statistical tests for comparison of daily variability in observed and simulated climates

    TA Buishand, JJ Beersma | published | Corrigendum, J. Climate | 1997 | 10
  16. Simulations of the response of the ocean waves in the North Atlantic and North Sea to CO2 doubling in the Atmosphere.

    Data from high resolution numerical experiments are analysed to study the effect of greenhouse wa...

    KM Rider, GJ Komen, JJ Beersma | 0-8-1996 | pp56
  17. Climate change scenarios for impact studies in the Netherlands

    AMG Klein Tank, TA Buishand, JJ Beersma, GP Können | published | Elsevier | no
  18. Storm activity over the North Sea and the Netherlands in two climate models compared with observations

    An intercomparison of wind characteristics over the North Sea and the Netherlands is made between...

    JJ Beersma | 1-1-1994 | pp0
  19. Jackknife tests for differences in autocorrelation between climate time series

    Two tests for differences in the lag 1 autocorrelation coefficient based on jackknife estimates a...

    TA Buishand, JJ Beersma | published | J. Climate | 1993 | 6
  20. GCM control run of UK Meterological Office compared with the real climate in the NW European winter

    A method is presented to compare the statistical properties of surface air temperature, sea surfa...

    JJ Beersma | 0-6-1992 | pp32