Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Exploring the use of ground-based remote sensing to identify new particle formation events: A case study in the Beijing area.

    New Particle Formation (NPF) is an important process of secondary aerosol production in the atmos...

    Zhang Ying, Dai, Liuxin, Zhang, Peng, de Leeuw, Gerrit. Li, Zhengqiang, Fan Cheng, Ma, Jinji, | Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) | 2024 | 954
  2. High Spatiotemporal Resolution Sea Surface Temperature from MERSI and AGRI Sensors Based on Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Sea Surface Temperature Fusion Model

    Large-scale and high spatiotemporal resolution sea surface temperature (SST) products can provide...

    Zhang Hao, Li Zhengqiang, Gerrit de Leeuw, Guang Jie, Zhang Luo, Lv Yang, Liu Cengyang, Liang Mingjun, Yao Qian, Zhou Peng, and He Zhuo | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2024 | 62
  3. Mortality burden due to ambient nitrogen dioxide pollution in China: Application of high-resolution models

    Background A large gap exists between the latest Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQG 2021) and Ch...

    Xinyue Li, Peng Wang, Weidong Wang, Hongliang Zhang, Su Shi, Tao Xue, Jintai Lin, Yuhang Zhang, Mengyao Liu, Renjie Chen, Haidong Kan, Xia Meng | Environment International | 2023 | 176
  4. Stewardship Maturity Assessment Tools for Modernization of Climate Data Management

    High quality and well-managed climate data are the cornerstone of all climate services. Consisten...

    R Dunn, C Lief, G Peng, W Wright, O Baddour, M Donat, B Dubuisson, J Legeais, P Siegmund, R Silveira, X Wang, M Ziese | published | Data Science Journal | 2021 | 20