Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Radar performance monitoring using the angular width of the solar image

    A method for the operational monitoring of the weather radar antenna mechanics and signal process...

    A Huuskonen, M Kurri, H Hohti, H Beekhuis, H Leijnse, I Holleman | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2014 | 31
  2. Statistiek van extreme gebiedsneerslag in Nederland

    Kansverdelingen van extreme neerslag zijn doorgaans afgeleid van puntmetingen van regenmeternetwe...

    A Overeem, A Buishand, I Holleman, R Uijlenhoet | published | H2O | 2012 | 45
  3. Observation of Hydrological Processes Using Remote Sensing

    The availability of spatial information on water quantity and quality enables closure of the wat...

    B Su, RA Roebeling, I Holleman et al. | Treatise on Water Science | 2011 | Academic Press.
  4. Bird migration flight altitudes studied by a network of operational weather radars

    A fully automated method for the detection and quantification of bird migration was developed for...

    AM Dokter, F Liechti, H Stark, L Delobbe, P Tabary, I Holleman | published | Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2011 | 8
  5. Extreme rainfall climatology from weather radar

    Extreme rainfall events have a large impact on society and can lead to loss of life and property....

    A Overeem, I Holleman, A Buishand | In: KNMI Triennial Scientific Report 2007-2009 | 0-9-2010 | pp6
  6. Improved Daytime Precipitation Estimates Using SEVIRI Retrieved Cloud Properties

    RA Roebeling, I Holleman, ELA Wolters, JF Meirink | published | GEWEX News | 2010 | 20
  7. Operational monitoring of radar differential reflectivity using the sun

    A method for daily monitoring of the differential reflectivity bias for polarimetric weather rada...

    I Holleman, A Huuskonen, R Gill, P Tabary | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2010 | 27
  8. Extreme-value modeling of areal rainfall from weather radar

    A Overeem, TA Buishand, I Holleman, R Uijlenhoet | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2010 | 46
  9. Detection Efficiency of a SAFIR Lightning Detection Network from Railroad Damage Reports

    Estimation of the detection efficiency of a operational lightning detection network is not a triv...

    R Boonstra, H Beekhuis, I Holleman | submitted | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009
  10. Real-Time Water Vapor Maps from a GPS Surface Network: Construction, Validation, and Applications

    In this paper the construction of real-time integrated water vapor (IWV) maps from a surface netw...

    S de Haan, I Holleman, AAM Holtslag | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  11. SEVIRI rainfall retrieval and validation using weather radar observations

    This paper presents and validates a new algorithm to detect precipitating clouds and estimate rai...

    RA Roebeling, I Holleman | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009 | 114
  12. Neerslagklimatologie uit weerradar

    Weerradars geven neerslagschattingen over grote gebieden met hoge ruimtelijke en temporele resolu...

    A Overeem, I Holleman, TA Buishand | published | H2O | 2009 | 42
  13. Extreme rainfall analysis and estimation of depth-duration-frequency curves using weather radar

    Rain gauge data are often employed to estimate the rainfall depth for a given return period. Howe...

    A Overeem, TA Buishand, I Holleman | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2009 | 45
  14. Derivation of a 10-year radar-based climatology of rainfall

    Weather radars give quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) over large areas with high spatial...

    A Overeem, I Holleman, TA Buishand | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  15. Update on the European Weather Radar Network (OPERA)

    The tradition of weather radar collaboration at the European level dates back to COST~72 (Measure...

    I Holleman, L Delobbe, A Zgonc | 2008 | 0 | WMO
  16. Monitoring of weather radar receivers using solar signals detected in operational scan data

    When operating a network of weather radars for monitoring of (severe) precipitation and (strong) ...

    I Holleman, A Huuskonen, M Kurri, H Beekhuis | 2008 | 0 | WMO
  17. Wind observations with Doppler weather radar

    Weather radars are commonly employed for detection and ranging of precipitation, but radars with ...

    I Holleman | 2008 | 0 | WMO
  18. Combining radar systems to get a 3D – picture of the bird migration

    For military training flights bird strikes en route are still a severe problem. To reduce collisi...

    F Liechti, A Dokter, J Shamoun-Baranes, H van Gasteren, I Holleman | 2008 | 0 | IBSC
  19. Validation of Rain Rate Retrievals from SEVIRI using Weather Radar Observations

    This paper presents a method to detect precipitation and estimate rain rates using cloud physical...

    R Roebeling, I Holleman | 2008 | 0 | EUMETSAT
  20. The European Space Agency\'s FlySafe project, looking at the bird strike problem from another perspective

    The bird strike problem is a negative side effect of the aerial mobility of both aircraft and bir...

    A Dekker, H van Gasteren, W Bouten, J Shamoun-Baranes, A Borst, I Holleman, A Dokter, A Ginati, G Garofalo | 2008 | 0 | IBSC
  21. Dopplerwaarnemingen met buienradar

    Buienradars worden gebruikt voor het ruimtelijk waarnemen en volgen van neerslaggebieden. Uit de ...

    I Holleman | published | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | 2008 | 9
  22. Echotops for annotation on radar imagery

    Currently four echotops are derived from the echotop product by the BRAS ("Bliksem Radar Animatie...

    I Holleman | 15-5-2008 | pp32
  23. Real-time Water Vapour Maps from a GPS Surface Network: Construction, Validation and Applications

    In this paper the construction of real-time integrated water vapour (IWV) maps from a surface net...

    S de Haan, I Holleman, AAM Holtslag | submitted | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2008
  24. Wind observations with Doppler weather radar

    Weather radars are commonly employed for detection and ranging of precipitation, but radars with ...

    I Holleman | 2008 | 2008
  25. From Pulse to Product: Highlights of the digital-IF upgrade of the Dutch national radar network

    In 2007 KNMI has successfully upgraded the Dutch radar network. The digital receivers and data pr...

    H Beekhuis, I Holleman | 2008 | 2008